6.1. Scoring Stats
Points will be awarded in the following categories and values:
Skater Category |
Value |
Plus/Minus (+/-) | 0.25 |
Assists (A) | 3.5 |
Blocks (Blk) | 0.25 |
Faceoffs Won (FOW) | 0.1 |
Goals (G) | 6 |
Hits (Hit) | 0.25 |
Penalty Minutes (PIM) | -0.125 |
Points (Pt) | 0.5 |
Power Play Points (PPP) | 1 |
Shots on Goal (SOG) | 0.25 |
Short-Handed Points (SHP) | 2 |
Goalie Category |
Value |
Goals Against (GA) | -4.75 |
Games Started (GS) | 10 |
Saves (SV) | 0.35 |
Shutouts (SHO) | 3 |
Wins (W) | 0.5 |